Sunday, April 14, 2013

Update #3- Filming

The first day of shooting on the calendar has come and gone and the film is surprisingly ahead of schedule. Scenes 1, 2, and 4 have been successfully shot and prepared for editing. Thanks to the hard work and participation of Tyler Murphy (Production Assistant, Boom Operator) Lincoln Dutcher (Actor) and Brandon Dennis (Cinematographer, Assistant Director), the project is well underway and the stroyboard is beginning to make its way to the screen.

 Lincoln dies suddenly on set. There goes our third act.

Friday, April 11th was an extremely productive day and a successful shoot, but there's still plenty of work to be done. Due to the jump forward in filming, the schedule for the remaining days will have to be revised, but being ahead of schedule can hardly be considered a bad thing.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Update #2- Pre-Production

Below are the final storyboards for the student film project, "S".

A filming schedule is currently being discussed, along with locations. The necessary wardrobe has been acquired, namely the integral Superman t-shirt. Filming will begin after Spring Break.